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See how easy it is to analyze data
The most powerful feature of GraFit 7 is now more easy to use. Our new GraFit Fitter template for Microsoft Excel lets you use GraFit to fit your Excel data without leaving Excel and without the need to perform any Visual Basic programming
Do you currently manipulate data in Excel then copy and paste it into GraFit for fitting? Incorporate your analysis into the GraFit Fitter template and you will be able to transfer data to GraFit for analysis and return the results to Excel at the click of a button.
GraFit Fitter is included in GraFit version 7.02 and later and works with Excel 2003 or later. Install the latest version of the GraFit 7 program and the samples will be copied into your GraFit Data\Sample Data (version 7) directory.
For information about using the GraFit Fitter template: